The SOP for borrowing psychological test equipment aims to ensure clarity of responsibility for the availability and completeness of test equipment in the psychology laboratory. As well as to maintain the condition of the Psychology Test Equipment borrowed from the Psychology Laboratory remains good and suitable for use.
All users of psychological test equipment for academic, research and community service purposes: Laboratory Management (Head of the Psychology Laboratory, Laboran, Practicum Assistant), Lecturers teaching psychological test courses, Students, Stakeholders (test equipment users).
Laboratory Management (Head of Psychology Laboratory, laboratory assistants, practicum assistants), lecturers teaching psychological test courses, students, stakeholders (test equipment users).
a. Practicum is a face-to-face teaching and learning activity between lecturers (can be assisted by assistants and students) which emphasizes psychomotor (skills), cognitive (knowledge) and effective (attitude) aspects by using equipment in the laboratory.
b. Laboratory users are lecturers and students within the Faculty of Psychology UMBY and outside the Faculty of Psychology UMBY both S1 and S2 programs as well as researchers of research institutions and companies.
c. Lecturer is someone who based on educational requirements, expertise and ability is appointed by the Minister of National Education / Rector to carry out the main task of education. Lecturers consist of permanent and non-permanent lecturers.
Practicum assistant is someone who based on educational requirements and expertise is assigned to assist lecturers in practicum activities.
f. Technician / Laboratory is a functional staff based on educational requirements and expertise assigned to facilitate lecturers and assistants in practicum activities.
g. Practitioners are practicum students who are legally registered in the undergraduate program at the Faculty of Psychology UMBY.
h. Psychology Laboratory is a room for conducting psychological tests and storing various psychological assessment tools and psychological experiments.
i. Psychological test tools are all psychological assessment tools.
a. Fill out and submit a request form for borrowing psychological test equipment addressed to the Head of the Psychology Laboratory which must also be signed by the Head of the laboratory.
b. The application form for borrowing psychological test equipment that has been approved by the Head of the Psychology Laboratory is forwarded to the Laboran.
c. The laboratory assistant prepares and gives the psychological test equipment to the applicant.
d. The return of borrowed psychological test equipment must be on time according to the return date stated on the loan application form and is the sole responsibility of the borrower if there is damage / loss.
e. Psychological test equipment that can be borrowed is listed in the attachment to the Psychological Test Equipment Table of the Psychodiagnostics Laboratory, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta.
f. Borrowers are fully responsible, obliged and must maintain the confidentiality and condition of the borrowed items in good condition and as before.